Press release n. 5


The QJ rally was postponed due to fire risk but It will take place within 4X4 FEST

The Quad Jamboree gathering is an unmissable and unique event turning twenty this year, just like the Carrara 4×4 Fest. The concomitance of birthdays is an excellent opportunity to create solidarity and a sense of mutual help between the two realities. The rally initially scheduled for the first weekend of July was suspended due to the unusual heat wave that still holds our entire Peninsula. The opportunity for 4×4 Fest Carrara to support Nicola Molino (QJ and Rider4Passion founder) and Sarzana Fuoristrada Club 4×4 (directly involved in the organization) is an example of how much the off-road community can adjust and support each other.

The most anticipated European off-road vehicle show in the off-road world will host the Quad Jamboree this year on Saturday, October 15th, welcoming all quad and side-by-side Tuscany’s owners. Open to two or four-wheel drive vehicles, the Quad Jamboree is an essential amateur gathering in Italy. All those who sign up will be able to join the excitement and pleasure of walking along the beautiful Tuscan dirt tracks for a whole day. Online registrations will open on August 5th.

«As soon as the proposal arrived from Carrara, we set to work to find connecting roads and new paths; we can proudly reveal that new tracks are about eighty kilometres designed. Massa Carrara province is the epicenter some detours in La Spezia, Liguria also. Liguria has always been the theatre where this critical event takes place.» – quotes the organizer of the Quad Jamboree.

«Our first QJ Edition was in 2000recalls Nicola Molinoand we discovered the province of Genoa in the Scrivia Valley. However, we’ve been focussing on Val Fontanabuona, north of the Paradiso gulf (Portofino promontory) for ten years, and the Tigullio gulf for a couple of editions. We have landed in La Spezia, Val di Vara province, for the past several years

As for the entire world, 2020 was the shutting down year due to the Covid pandemic. Quad Jamboree took place on time in 2021, and this year is ready to celebrate its twenty years birthday, as well as IMM CarraraFiere.

«The route we are setting up keeps its characteristics unchanged, the very features that always fueled our partycontinues the creator of Rider4Passion. – The Quad Jamboree core is the path: not dangerous but technical, and it is not fast but demanding instead. What matters to us is to leave our participants at the end of the day with this specific takeaway: concrete reinforcement of driving techniques. The two principles underlying the rally are getting you to know your vehicle better while recreating the pleasure of driving.»